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  • VR 360 Double Player New Model $7,700.00

    1. Size: 2.04*1.5*2.75 m

    2. Transfer motion: Electric cylinder

    3. Power: 4800 w

    4. Weight: 400 kg

    5. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    6. Computer: I3+1050TI+DDR4 8G+120G

    7. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    8. Display: 42” LCD

    9. VR Games: 33pcs

  • VR 360 New Model $6,200.00

    1. Size: 1.82*1.0*2.3 m

    2. Transfer motion: Electric cylinder

    3. Power: 3800 w

    4. Weight: 350 kg

    5. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    6. Computer: I3+1050TI+DDR4 8G+120G

    7. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    8. Display: 32” LCD

    9. VR Games: 18pcs

  • -8%Limited
    VR Bike-Black Original price was: $4,000.00.Current price is: $3,700.00.

    1. Size: 1.75*1.12*1.4 m

    2. Power: 1500 w

    3. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    4. Computer: I5+1050TI+DDR4 8G+120G

    5. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    6. Display: 42” LCD

    7. VR Games: 10+

  • VR Bike-White $3,800.00

    1. Size: 1.75*1.12*1.4 m

    2. Power: 1500 w

    3. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    4. Computer: I5+1050TI+DDR4 8G+120G

    5. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    6. Display: 42” LCD

    7. VR Games: 10+

  • -13%Limited
    VR Free Walk-2.0M White Original price was: $4,800.00.Current price is: $4,200.00.


    1. Size: 2.5*2.5*2.5 m

    2. VR glasses: HTC VIVE

    3. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    4. Computer: I5+1060+DDR4+120G

    5. Controlling: keyboard and mouse

    6. Display: 42” LCD

    7. VR Games: about 80 pcs

  • -8%Limited
    VR Free Walk-2.5M Original price was: $4,900.00.Current price is: $4,500.00.


    1. Size: 2.5*2.5*2.5 m

    2. VR glasses: HTC VIVE

    3. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    4. Computer: I5+1060+DDR4 8G+240G

    5. Controlling: keyboard and mouse

    6. Display: 42” LCD

    7. VR Games: 80+

  • VR Gatling Gun $4,000.00


    1. Size: 2.2*1.2*2.5 m

    Size for platform: 1.35*1.25*1.45 m Size for metal stents: 1.0*0.6*1.8 m

    2. VR glasses: HTC VIVE

    3. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    4. Computer: I5+1060+DDR4+120G

    5. Controlling: keyboard and mouse

    6. Display: 42” LCD

    7. VR Games: 3pcs

  • VR Horse Riding $4,000.00


    1. Size: 1.4*0.9*1.9 m

    Size for platform: 1.4*0.9*0.9 m Size for metal stents: 0.9*0.6*1.9 m

    2. VR glasses: HTC VIVE

    3. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    4. Computer: I5+1060+DDR4+120G

    5. Controlling: keyboard and mouse

    6. Display: 32” LCD

    7. VR Games: 3pcs

  • VR Motorbike New Model & Exclusive $5,000.00

    1. Size: 2.25*1.86*2.3 m 2. Voltage: 220 v

    3. Weight: 150 kg

    4. Power: 1500 w

    5. VR glasses: DeePoon E3

    6. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    7. Computer: I5+1050TI+DDR4 8G+120G

    8. Controlling: keyboard and mouse

    9. Display: 32” LCD

    10. VR games: 10+

  • VR Plane Model 1 $5,000.00

    1. Size: 2.75*1.63*2.3 m

    2. Power: 800 w

    3. Weight: 300 kg

    4. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    5. Computer: I5+1660+DDR4 8G+120G

    6. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    7. Display: 32” LCD

    8. VR Games: 9+80

  • VR Plane Model 2 $7,000.00

    1. Size: 2.75*1.63*1.75 m

    2. Power: 1000 w

    3. Weight: 400 kg

    4. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    5. Computer: I5+1660+DDR4 8G+120G

    6. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    7. Display: 19” LCD

    8. VR Games: 9+80

  • VR QQ New Model $5,400.00

    1. Size: 2.3*1.18*2.2 m

    2. Transfer motion: Electric cylinder 3. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    4. Computer: I3+1050TI+DDR4 8G+250G

    5. Sound system: 2.1 Channel Audio

    6. Controlling desk: 19” LCD touch screen

    7. VR movies: 200+

  • -13%Limited
    VR Slide Original price was: $3,900.00.Current price is: $3,400.00.


    1. Size: 1.1*1.6*1.3 m

    2. Weight: 150 kg

    3. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    4. Voltage: 220 v

    5. Power: 3000 w

    6. Transfer motion: Electric cylinder

    7. Computer: I3+1050+DDR4 8G+240G 8. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    9. Controlling: 19” LCD touch screen 10. VR movies: 200+

  • VR Space ship (4 players)

    1. Size: 2.75*1.75*2.17 m

    2. Transfer motion: Electric cylinder 3. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    4. Computer: I3+1050TI+DDR4 8G+250G

    5. Sound system: 2.1 Channel Audio

    6. Controlling desk: 19” LCD

    7. VR movies: 200+

  • -10%Limited
    VR Space Walk-3.3M Original price was: $5,000.00.Current price is: $4,500.00.

    1. Size: 3.3*3.0*2.5 m

    2. VR glasses: HTC VIVE

    3. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio 4. Computer: I5+1060+DDR4+120G 5. Controlling: 21.5” LCD

    6. Display: 55” LCD

    7. VR Games: about 80 pcs

  • -8%Limited
    VR Super Spaceship Interactive Special Effect System (6 seats) Original price was: $13,000.00.Current price is: $12,000.00.

    1. Size: 3.5*4.0*2.0 m

    2. Transfer motion: 6DOF electric cylinder

    3. VR glasses: Deepoon E3

    4. Computer: I3+1050TI+DDR4 8G+250G

    5. Sound system: 2.0 Channel Audio

    6. Controlling desk: 19” LCD touch

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